To best satisfy our customers, we have created an extensive network of qualified suppliers capable of providing various processing services for our turned parts. The types of processing that we provide for our parts can be:- Heat treatments (tempering, annealing, normalising, cementation, carbonitriding, etc.), Surface treatments  (chrome plating, nickel plating, copper plating, galvanising, ionic anodising, painting, etc.),- Chemical treatments  (passivation, pickling, burnishing, phosphating, etc.),- Laser Marking, Grinding, Lapping, Polishing-Grinding, Tumbling. Our partners are selected and evaluated through external audits, conducted by our Quality Assurance Department.All the processes may be accompanied by the technical production documentation.

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  • Anodizzazione
  • Anodizzazione
  • Cromatura
  • Nichelatura
  • Zincatura